The decking has been delivered.
I spent two weeks worrying about what colour the planks would be when they arrived - the colour of the wood in its natural state varies enormously, from a reddish brown to a deep mahogany, so I was concerned that we would have to stain every piece. I'm happy with what we have, each piece is slightly different but they are all of a type - they should dovetail into a nice pattern. Unless London says differently when she arrives tomorrow night, I think a simple coat of sealant will be tickety boo.
The great American pastime.
In this case the Wilmington Blue Rocks, a feeder team for the major league Kansas City Royals. Unlike in European football you cannot be relegated in the MLB regardless of how appalling you perform - and mother O'Reilly are the Royals a shockingly poor team. Unfortunately I don't think the Blue Rocks are going to help them much if the match on Friday evening was any indication - skinny 19 year olds who consistently miss the ball is not encouraging; I'm not a flag waver for either Mark Teixeria or A Rod, but at least they had forearms thicker than tooth floss and weighed more than 140lbs when they started out.
My dollar is on the Red Sox.
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