Friday, June 10, 2011

Day Two Hundred and Sixty Four

It was a day of deliveries.

A Dickensian day - somewhere between the age of wisdom and the age of foolishness.

First came the paving stones.

Then some serious machinery.

And eventually machinery in action.

Oh be still my beating heart.

We're doing our best to keep this project earth-friendly, but you can't control everything in rural America if you want the tough and rough stuff to be delivered on time.

Those pictures were from early this morning.

These are from late afternoon.

Leveling the gravel and digging the water trenches.

Well, someone had to check it was safe for Tom to use. He could have hurt himself.

Stones. Definitely not the 'Stones' that Evelyn Waugh had in mind in his novel Scoop; but stones, nonetheless.

I couldn't resist.

Last night a storm whipped down the East coast, delayed the Red Sox v Yankees game and did this to one of our trees.

Tomorrow's post will be more of today's photos.

I think.

This country that I love is so peculiar I have no idea what will happen.

Dickens needs to update his American Notes.

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